This morning was a pleasant interlude of purchases for spignattamenti and experiments.
Among the many things I bought, there is the coconut flour ... taken by the Auchan Spirited price € 1.29 per 250g.
remembered that on the internet there was talk of using the coconut flour as a cleanser, game idea from the biblical site of SaiCosaTiSpalmi.
Background dirt impossible: made-up face with foundation, powder, blush and mascara.
I made a little cup of hot (not scalding!) And I stuck in the sink. In a separate bowl I put 2 tablespoons of coconut flour and I left them on hand. I started to wet the face with water, well, even on the eyes. From the bowl I poured the flour into the palm of your hand, I rubbed her hands to soften it and then I rubbed all over her face, being careful that the flour would fall into the same bucket of water as I was saying before. While make-up remover I could note that the meal I had in my hands that I had the color of the foundation, a sign that "the bottom" was going on. I poured the remainder of the flour bowl, hands, and I continued to massage, even on the eyes. Obviously here, gently. Once ricordatami could not stay there forever even though it was a nice massage, I rinsed my face with water in small bowl and then I dab the face.
amazement I saw that the towel is left clean. Mmmm do a litmus test and pass a disk soaked with tonic. Test passed, the disk was white!
results? In addition to skin clean and delicately scented (do not expect to smell like coconut candy!), Soft-skin soft and hydrated. Also reading the forums some Promiseland reported to have a slight oily layer (Not greasy) left by the coconut. I really did not happen, however, has remained the skin hydrated, in fact I did not even put the cream. I left the skin to breathe in the afternoon.
Regarding the eye, although he spent the flour gently, the mascara is gone.
... and I'm really satisfied with this sense of super-sensational-Whatz-America, I wish you a wonderful weekend!
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