Monday, February 28, 2011

Wedding Hall Decoration Images

The Scream Federica

Good afternoon ...
Just two lines because you're prolonging my absence for so many days and, although it could sign the book of the evidence alone, I wanted to tell you something.
I have not been swallowed up by some gutter, or they called me to attend and friends ... it's just that the last post I had a herd of angry schedule that has taken possession of my time. Including the oasis of the weekend.
Munch's The Scream is seen as representative of this period.
When you say .... More Than Words!
soon (I hope),
a kiss

Friday, February 18, 2011

Myspace Widgets Relationship

Save me And you where are you?

I had to wait .. true?
the precision with which, if an argument to OPEN is a hope on average ignored In these parts, convinces me more and more, more and more without realizing that you are somewhere else, like those gentlemen on the stage hypnotist who, with glassy eyes say "cluck", nn know where they are or who they are.
But I will continue, always continue to wander around here pulling and screaming .. Wake up! even if you do not want to wake up. Never say never. Sooner or later, perhaps out of the coma.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kitten Conjunctivitis Treatments

Greetings From the web

I want to share with you the celebration of my mother: today is his birthday!
We have always had a "conflict" (maybe because they like) but I love it. It 'a wonderful woman


Then I found an old postcard sent to my father and my mother when they were engaged ... How long cute !!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Main Utility Trailer Registration

I was there.

You can arrange to be there for you ... girls dance has just begun ... was set STANDING COMMITTEE .. all participate.
I was there, and I've seen. But all of you who have decided to be there, they were in Piazza del Popolo in Rome or in Piazza Castello in Milan, in Montmartre in Paris or Brussels Bourse staircase, or in front of the Institute of Culture in Tokyo ... , or London, NY, 190 seats anywhere in the world in which it started: All we have understood that the revolution of women is exploding!

Courage ... is our year! we have the opportunity to do so much for us, but also for the world and nothing is funnier and better looking. You may be missing? Do not miss our party girls.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Side Hurts When Drinking

J'aloè Pure aloe vera gel with hyaluronic acid and lavender water

(click to enlarge)
Alchemy Nature (you know what product to Smear)
Pure aloe vera gel with hyaluronic acid and lavender water
pao 6mesi

Detail Inci

When I discovered the world know what you're Smear I noticed that there were two fans: the fans and that the J'aloè of K'aloè. As I was entering this world on tiptoe, I decided to be impartial, so I bought both.
(click to enlarge)
Having always had oily skin (from October to become mixed and do not know why), I thought that surely would have adored J'aloè and I would have regretted K'aloè because thicker. I started making up J'aloè exactly the 01/09/10 and I loved it, and I did not like after a week, and I did not like after 20 days. I left stunned and disconsolate in the shelf of the shelf devoted to products that deserve a second chance when there will be another phase of the moon and above another mood.
I started using it in December because I felt the clock ticking closer pao X time expires. I tried to put a little bit to put a 'more, to put it upside down, put him hopping, to take a swing ... but the skin had the same result: dry. I do not like it because it bothers me too much skin, pulls the ropes like the ones that take a very big ship docked at the pier. By contrast, however, is absorbed in a fast parimpampum.
Beyond that, my skin was always dull, almost as old. Inside of me I said "okay that I do see improvements ... but no worse eh! "
has a liquid-like consistency when you do so be careful not to spill out all the content on your sheets pink silk (that cute!). The scent is a strong smell of aloe with a hint of lavender. Personally I do not like, however there you can live peacefully.
I used in various ways and for different purposes: as a basic foundation in the morning to avoid the shiny effect, but by mid-morning I was already dehydrated skin, I tried it as a carrier for the lotion to S-' Salicylic acid ... nothing to do, I felt like half an hour after serum and then put a moisturizer ... not even the cream had no effect, there was inappropriate.
Despite its noble ingredients this product is not for me. There was even a moment to put it back in the game, which made me think that maybe I was wrong in judging evil. Never liked it and I'm sorry because I read a lot of people on benefits evident.
J'aloè you can find on the web know what you're Smear at a price of € 15 per 100ml bottle identical to mine. There is also the opportunity to purchase a minitaglia equal to 15 ml for 3 € , so you can try it without waste. It is produced by Alchemy Nature SCTS precisely, but they also sell it by the name of Aloanda Gel with aloe and lavender , still € 15 for 100ml.

yesterday, to meet around 2 and a half months of dry skin inherited from Mr. J'aloè, I started using the K'aloè brother ... I like it, but it is only the first use .
We feel for the next episode!

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Create A Mount And Blade Mod

While mom

Three lighted matches, one by one in the night

The first for see you around the face

The second eyes to see you

The last to see your mouth

And all the darkness to remember these things

While I hold you in my arms.



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Diseases With Leg Pain

Strucchiamoci with coconut flour for confectionery

This morning was a pleasant interlude of purchases for spignattamenti and experiments.
Among the many things I bought, there is the coconut flour ... taken by the Auchan Spirited price € 1.29 per 250g.
remembered that on the internet there was talk of using the coconut flour as a cleanser, game idea from the biblical site of SaiCosaTiSpalmi.
Background dirt impossible: made-up face with foundation, powder, blush and mascara.
I made a little cup of hot (not scalding!) And I stuck in the sink. In a separate bowl I put 2 tablespoons of coconut flour and I left them on hand. I started to wet the face with water, well, even on the eyes. From the bowl I poured the flour into the palm of your hand, I rubbed her hands to soften it and then I rubbed all over her face, being careful that the flour would fall into the same bucket of water as I was saying before. While make-up remover I could note that the meal I had in my hands that I had the color of the foundation, a sign that "the bottom" was going on. I poured the remainder of the flour bowl, hands, and I continued to massage, even on the eyes. Obviously here, gently. Once ricordatami could not stay there forever even though it was a nice massage, I rinsed my face with water in small bowl and then I dab the face.
amazement I saw that the towel is left clean. Mmmm do a litmus test and pass a disk soaked with tonic. Test passed, the disk was white!
results? In addition to skin clean and delicately scented (do not expect to smell like coconut candy!), Soft-skin soft and hydrated. Also reading the forums some Promiseland reported to have a slight oily layer (Not greasy) left by the coconut. I really did not happen, however, has remained the skin hydrated, in fact I did not even put the cream. I left the skin to breathe in the afternoon.
Regarding the eye, although he spent the flour gently, the mascara is gone.
... and I'm really satisfied with this sense of super-sensational-Whatz-America, I wish you a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Whats Good For Herpes On Your Arm

If not now, when. Eh? when? Every 11 seconds oO

See the video. No more comments.

Here Link to this , all appointments. This is my advice:
1. find one in your town,
2. to rally all the friends you have,
3. sbizzarritevi found itself before and do some good sign (I'd like to see some cheerful "designers murderers," for example)
4. dress more beautiful and happier than ever, with something white on her, and go together in many more possible, to the meeting place
5. button stuck with what you'll stand each other the phones and make the first move in order to create some new friend
6. take photos, and the phone do some mini-videos of everything you see that there seems nice, sign among you,

say a few words and then .. if you want to send small pieces of footage of me going to LOVE LET ME VIDEO .. but if you prefer to tell you how to send them to some organization that then the video will mount her.
Well ... There is a GROWING UP WOMEN REVOLUTION, it seems .. really want to lose? Join
girls. There is a breath of fresh air, do not let it fly away, try to breathe deeply.

A kiss to all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Does The Hdmi Adapter Work Xbox

Saturday # 4 Attirance Handmade Natural Cosmetics

I continue with my intent to talk about brands that deal with natural cosmetics, and maybe are a little 'hidden.
I contacted this company in early November 2010, with the usual manner as all others that I contacted. The day following the forwarding of my email, I was contacted by telephone by Dr. Cetriniti friendly, I think it was the manager. We chatted for several minutes, both on the scenario of natural cosmetics in this period, and the projection of that company in the near future.
I explained in a clear and simple, as indeed I had indicated in the email, this blog is the result of a hobby and do not have a million members, could take forward with passion and fun.
I was asked to explain what I did, if I only get information or even sales. Later I understood the reason for this question. Attirance is a franchise and sells both private and wholesale. Probably if I had also handled the sale would not have been what I have to tell.
For each company are used to request information material concerning both the presentation summary of their activities, and material on product lines. Whether in paper or PDF, this is not relevant.
In all this time I continued my research, I found companies that they sent me the material as well as companies that the material they sent small samples or minitaglie to test their flagship products.
Attirance Then there is the case.
Following the chat 09/11/10 Dr. Cetriniti in which he told me that he would send the material via email from the office worker, I heard only silence and emptiness of the email phone . Not only that, but not the central point of the speech was the same person who added that he want me to send a package with 2 / 3 prodottini to prove myself so tell him what I thought.
Perhaps some Cannibal has eaten the postman.
said this, my interest, I hope all the people who have my same "healthy " hobby understand, are not the champions. My interest is new, natural cosmetics. If I contact a company, which also is on posters all over the world, I think it is a pleasure for them to take advantage of this "free publicity" .. also why, in cosmetics, we know that many products go on through word of mouth.
Clearly, this company focuses on a blog that had its sale. Only then would have justified the use of time in sending an important email.
Among other products they sell ... natural and tab of each of them in the shop, it is not even reported the incidence. Why??
conclude, however, leaving the address of this company. If you give him pleasure as well take a look:
By the way ... not me ... I'm not taken just was a little 'disappointed. Thinking about it .... is not that GMail has also swallowed the material in pdf?? Mah ..

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Do You Decorate Using A Ziplock Bag

But you DID YOU KNOW ..?
Did you know that happens every 11 SECONDS THIS ..???
know .. time ago on this subject I wrote a post, you slipped away like nothing. If you want to read it was this, I found this LINK . Indeed, thanks to those of you who want to take the trouble to leggerselo, it's not aged.
was not interested in anyone. I've cried over it many times on this shit. I thought you know enough .. and yet I did not know anything yet.

But I'm sure if we unite we can win. Began to sign to sign what is urgent, we begin to stop to be indifferent, stupidly curled only on ourselves, we begin to gather and talk, to protest, to make us feel. We begin to realize that matter and then. I'm sure we are on the verge of something, unless we all dive together We own deficiencies.

Most Powerful Desktop Of 2010

dream work and work

Here it is! This would be the shop of my dreams.
(you do not see the name of the store or I arrested for taking photographs ...)
You have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe wonderful things, wonderful that you have inside. Restored antique furniture, modern "recovered," shabba or any other furniture in the Provencal style .....
Here is my idea of \u200b\u200bthis store does not ....... I'll never!

sferuzzare And while we continue to dream.

Da hat ....
a neck warmer.

This so ....... I was before surgery
Now it is. What do you think??

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pokemon Walkthrough Soul Silver

Bioearth The Beauty Seed Milk Moisturizing Lotion Aloe

(click to enlarge)
The Beauty Seed
milk Aloe
Moisturizing Lotion 150ml

pao 9months

Detail Inci
Detail Box

Product details

(click to enlarge)

Not so long ago I had written on a Friday evening when I needed to relax. To refresh your memory here. We assume that I'm a fan of the biophase 3, and from there do not give up the subscription in separate, I've got to have something to help me overcome the dramatic moment of the cleaning face of daunting situations laziness. Turn you turn around, after trying and finished the Cleansing Milk Mil Mil (unfortunately not quite bio :-( (but working), I wanted a cleanser bio Bioearth and who better than I could give an alternative?

Straight from Wonderland Bioearth today I wanted to talk about what my milk cleanser.

(click to enlarge)

Apart from the packaging lilac, I tell you unabashedly, I'm too glamorous (like the entire Beauty on The Seed) This milk has just the semblance of how to be a cleansing milk to me: creamy and compact. I find that its texture is exceptional, a real cream. Do not imagine, however, a concrete-like mixture. And 'that texture is not too heavy nor too light. It is difficult to explain my mom! Move closer to the screen for a moment that I put there a little bit on the hand ... I said a little!
The scent is sweet, a mix of peach, aloe and milk. If there was a body lotion with this scent to buy for sure.
I use this milk in the evening to remove make-up, I put a small knob of the product in hand and massage your face with your fingertips to take good foundation. It is also a little step in the eye, after previously clean, I do not cause any heartburn. After massaging for myself well and delights of this delicious smell, remove all of the ordinary with cotton pads. All the scaffolding comes off like a dream. I make a second pass of product, using much less than the first time, contrappello just like to make sure that the disk is clean. In my opinion, besides the ingredients really green, is its consistency in making this product effective and dirt-sweeping-amazing.
This product can also be used as a moisturizer without riasciacquo: Apply and massage until fully absorbed ... you'll see. If you do it the night then ... very moisturizing. Do not forget that recess is the aloe, vitamin C and E.
The list price is € 12.80 and in my opinion is worth them all. I'm also trying to Fitocose all'Alchemilla, but despite being good, it's not for me as this. To purchase
Online you can find sites , , , , , or in health food stores. To check that near you, click here .
If anyone has tried let me know if he's loving it because I love it.
Good Sunday!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mario Salieri Movie Vatch

notice to mariners notice to members ... ....-Attack Blog !

Good evening from your Federica Muciaccia.
Are you ready for an episode of Blog-Attack? Yes?
Then we're off!
Open the Tools page of the blog My Beauty ..... done?
Now, with plenty of glue, stick your hand to the mouse ..... done? Well!
Head in this section ......

You tell me .... but they are already enrolled! Oh I know, because with this post, I ask you to help me fix your subscriptions because, at the time, I've done a blog-attack with the html ... so I have 2 boxes with inscriptions and are handled separately. Conclusion? Chaos.
order to avoid divisions in a stadium, I'm here to ask for your help so that I can get out of this quicksand!

1) Click on " Already a member? Sign ", under the icons Subscription

2) after you input your data with which you logged on Google Friend Connect, the screen will be the one below, clearly indicating your account

3) Click on "Options " that is at the top, next to the icon of your account, you'll see a small menu. From this drop down click on "Site Settings "

4) you will see a screen like the one shown below, the right of the window you will find the link "Give this site, click on

5) you'll see this question, click on "Leave"

course is that you can not leave my blog as well eh!
This procedure is required to remove members from 1 box ....
.... but ....
ta-daaaaannn ....

.... unless we're already in the 2nd box ... click on "Follow", as in the picture below .... and I'll happy!! !

Thanks to all those who help me. As a reward, to each of you, there will come a little door-nuraghe brushes!!
bullshit aside .... thanks to all!